Saturday, April 19, 2008

Busy Life

Hi Everyone.

Life has been very busy and kind of stressful recently. It has been long hours at the hangar and extra work outside of the hangar. The missionary that runs the youth group (Jim Levander) has been really sick the last couple weeks so youth group has been my responsibility. Really pray for Jim as he has typhoid, hepatitis A, and shingles. I am running youth group again tomorrow night so pray for me as I prepare.

Last weekend was a lot of fun though. We had a pig roast at one of the compounds and I stayed up all night Saturday to help roast the pig. It was a lot of fun and it tasted very good.

Next weekend I will by going up country with one of the Kenyans. That should be a lot of fun. Well I was hoping to write a lot more today but I have already run out of time. I will try really hard this next week to send another e-mail and give a lot more details.

Thank you all so much for your continued prayers!

In Christ,

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